The Huh who spoilt Christmas

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Just a small bog dog scent hound
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21 Responses to The Huh who spoilt Christmas

  1. Amanda says:

    Fantastic. Loved it. And I want Fen with his poignant little red nose as a friend for my own doggy.

  2. Owen Morgan says:

    Terrific, as ever. Surely, Huhne’s comeuppance cannot be long delayed? Does the CPS think we are just going to forget about the small matter of the speeding accusation and the (alleged) attendant complications?

    As for Sarkozy, he’s toast in the French election, anyway. The only problem is that all French politicians are equally delusional, so there will still be a lunatic midget in the Elysee, whoever wins.

  3. Billothewisp says:

    Fen, personally I think you should be the next poet laureate.

  4. meltemian says:

    Love it, love it, love it!

  5. SOYLENT GREEN says:

    I shall send more miscreants to view this wondrous work.

  6. Pingback: Awesome Art: The Huh Who Spoilt Christmas « SOYLENT GREEN

  7. This is superb.

    “Huh stick follies” are a master stroke!!

  8. hpjunior says:

    This is outstanding and hilarious work. Thanks for the laughs. Of course, the actual Huhne quotes and Huhne real-world insanity are sobering.

    (This miscreant referred by SG)

  9. Brilliant. I’ve also pointed the way to this.

  10. Æthelwold of Wessex says:

    Oh Fen, a masterpiece.

  11. Enviro Conned says:

    I wish Fern Beagle would send this to all in the co-alition, or get their respective constituents to do it. Brilliant and to the point.

  12. Keith Battye says:

    Great parody Fen . . . that needs to get about far and wide.

  13. badger says:

    great stuff

  14. nisakiman says:

    Applause, applause! Splendid bit of rhyming!

    Seuss would be green (?) with envy.

  15. What happened to the story that: the big polluters will pay? That’s why that political theory was supported by the people on the bottom. If it backfires, people freeze; it’s self inflicted = natural selection is starting again in Britain. You think the people on the bottom in Australia will learn from that? WRONG! They have being promised cash from the big polluters… and they believe…

    In Australia they will not turn blue from coldness; but when the ”thing hits the propellers” with double price of electricity – they will cut it of, for not paying – the fridge in subtropics goes off – Australia will become the salmonella / typhoid capital of the world… is that bad…? We are going into interesting times… to prove that Darwin was correct; for people too, not just for other animal

  16. alexjc38 says:

    “I meant what I said and I said what I meant. Renewable ‘leccy, one hundred percent!”

    A Fenbeagle classic, what marvellous fun. Please draw us some more, as this battle’s not won!

  17. Politicians wouldn’t be wasting money on wind turbines, to more than double the price of electricity; if they didn’t get support / encouragement from the Green People. Greens are guilty for squandering billions, for preventing dams to be built, to improve the climate. Dams can produce lots more clean / cheap electricity… they are against dams. But they never admit any guilt. Well, in my book and on my website says: ”if Green People don’t admit that is all their fault – than it’s all their father’s fault; FOR NOT USING CONDOM!!!”

    P.s. on your previous page I commented that: ”Australian smart windmills for pumping water out of the ground are noisy” But that is because they have being invented long before they invented the ball-bearings. So, they were making them less noisy by putting lamb fat or goanna oil. Now ball-bearings have being invented – you should tell your Pom’s politicians: those wind-propellers cost peanuts, because they have tail = they constantly face the wind = very efficient. The big wind turbines are stupid / inefficient; only good for laundering taxpayer’s money and for killing birds

  18. Æthelwold of Wessex says:

    “Unfortunately, Huhne is beyond a mere joke, because his energy policies could well cause lasting damage to UK competitiveness, and to life on this island.”

  19. ….’We must devoutly hope that, like one of his overly-expensive turbines, he goes down very soon in flames, as the winds of change blow dramatically over the global warming madness.’

    …Huhnapart meets his Moscow in 2012

  20. Brilliant as always Fen. Huhne for the high jump. See how he’d land back down dropped from one of his own dastardly wind follies.

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