
A study in proportion, scale, juxtaposition, excess, and power.

35 Responses to About

  1. Josh says:

    Lovely work, Fen! May the blog be with you!


  2. Roy Hogue says:

    I’ve never seen better than this — and so prolific too. Your remarkable sense of humor drives the point home every time. Keep it up.

  3. Buffy Minton says:

    I followed you here from the Bishop. Absolutely brilliant!

  4. Norfolk Dumpling says:

    You are brilliant and you make me jealous. I wish I could draw like you!
    Is there any way of turning these cartoons into badges to wear to advertise our thoughts or create conversation start-ups?

    • Norfolk Dumpling
      I will be looking at that later. Hopefully not too far into the future.
      ……Is there a market for printed Fen Beagle T shirts perhaps?

      • BBD says:

        Fen Beagle

        Other climate blogs (eg Resilient Earth; Lucia’s Blackboard) sell mugs and T-shirts. Why not you?

        While the temperature graphs on Lucia’s mugs are amusing for insiders, I think I’d rather have an FB T-shirt.

        Especially if it was the submarine cat-flap illustration. Still sniggering like a prat over that one.

        Keep it up: mock the buggers to death. And have a good weekend 😉


      • Come Down Under Fenbeagle, we have GLOBAL warming in OZ. You up there in Pomgolia have GLOBAL cooling. Emperor with no cloths will be more confortable in our GLOBAL warming, than in your blizards. The pollar bears will invade England, the temperature is becoming more suitable for them. Get out, before the new Ice Age is in full steam. We need positive thinkers

  5. Norfolk Dumpling says:

    As a pensioner, I could do with another one to ward off the winter cold and make up for not being able to afford more heating oil without my wife robbing a bank! Buff Huhne, just like Miliprat is not affected by such problems – he can file it under expenses without a receipt.
    Nice to know you know my previous comment was serious.

  6. RandomReal[] says:

    Great stuff! Just followed your link from WUWT.

    I particularly liked the Lewis Carroll scene. I inevitably think of the Cheshire Cat when I read climate articles in Science or Nature. At the beginning, there appears to be some science there, but upon finishing, all that is left is just the smile of the Cheshire Cat.

  7. John Graham says:

    An idea for a graphic. As we know most renewable companies are not UK despite their names. Onshore would be too complicated but how about a map of offshore wind farms with a flag of country of origin with an appropriate character. Just show how the Spanish Armada got here in the end!

  8. Owen Morgan says:

    I followed your link from the Bishop’s place – and I am so glad I did. I had seen some of your work before and thought it was superb: beautifully drawn and overflowing with wit. Seeing more of your brilliant creations merely enhances that impression.

  9. Pete says:

    Hope your great talent might stretch to the High Court Case which has just started !

  10. You may enjoy. Especially the last final one.


    The history to this is Highland Council’s enthusiasm to install wind turbines close to, or in playgrounds in Primary Schools. The notion of placing children at risk from a fast rotating industrial engine seems to have passed them by! The failure of Proven Technology, which supplied many of the school turbines, and the self destruction of the one at Raasay Primary School, albeit an installation problem, has brought this into sharp focus. With pieces flying everywhere no one even knew how to turn it off. A parent risked life and limb to do so. This is as much gesture politics and follows Paucholi comments that to sensitise the children persuades the parents. Political pressure should have no place in schools, particularly primary. Each turbine costs about £55k. To save £50k Highland Council is closing the one public loo in the cente of Inverness. Tourists be warned! As they say, Go before you Come! Someone seems to have their priorities out of kilter!

  11. Erica says:

    Dear Fenbeagle. Please will you advertise this petition on your website?
    Thank you.

    Responsible department: Department for Energy and Climate Change

    Electricity bills have soared, and more increases are in the pipeline. This punishes the 6 million people already in fuel poverty, restricts economic growth, and makes British industry less competitive. A key factor in this increase is the Renewables Obligation, which indirectly provides more than 40% of the income of wind-farms. These complex and covert subsidies (most of which go to foreign companies) are paid not by the government, but instead are ENTIRELY financed by increasing the price of our electricity bills. Climate-change policies have already increased household electricity by at least 14%, and have increased the electricity bills of business by at least 20%. Even worse, these tariffs are forecast to escalate. By reducing or ending the subsidies for wind-farms, we would benefit the poorest members of society, boost our manufacturing exports and, while doing so, would help protect what remains of our precious countryside. Please vote for this petition.


    Please sign this petition

    • Hopefully everyone will sign this petition Erica. Wealth redistribution, from the poor to the wealthier, is not something I support. And the John Hills report makes clear the serious results of loading these subsidies onto peoples energy bills.

  12. erica says:

    Thank you – we hope people will support it too. Please advertise, and distribute this epetition in any way you can.to force a debate to end the subsidy system which is forcing many people into fuel poverty. Making British industry less competive, and ruining some of our finest British landscape.

  13. Priya says:

    I merely wanted to let you know how much I actually appreciate every little thing you’ve provided to help increase the value of the lives of people in this theme. Through the articles, I’ve really gone via just a novice to a skilled in the area. It truly is truly a tribute to your endeavours. Thanks

  14. Andrew MCKILLOP says:

    Great stuff
    I have an article about the fatuous IEA “Clean Energy Progress” wingding in London, where it asked for $5 trillion from now to 2020 to develop every conceivable and imaginable, as well as imaginary sources of energy – and pursue a crusade for Energy Saving !!!
    My email is xtran9 at gmail.com

  15. Pingback: My Homepage

  16. Fen:

    You’ve combined artistic talent with incisive insight on important matters. Excellent.

    See EnergyPresentation.Info which is consistent with your messages. Email me.

  17. Andrew MCKILLOP says:

    I’m very content to hear that et je t’en remercie beaucoup

    I am working on a book publishing project with provisional title “Green Green Gone”, sort-of “Whatever happened to all that Ecology correct stuff?” and maybe I could get you (for payment) to do the book jacket cover artwork?
    Andrew McKillop

    • You could Andrew. Send me the details/manuscript, or whatever you have, when convenient, and I’ll rough out an idea. If you want me to work it through, we can discuss payement.

  18. Andrew MCKILLOP says:

    OK send me an e-mail address for me to send you details of the book project
    My latest book is published by Palgrave Macmillan USA, 2012
    Title The Doomsday Machine (anti nuke not pro Ecologically Correct!)

  19. grumpydenier says:

    Here boy, pop in and leave a contact address, if you please. I have some stuff I’ve forwarded to Helmer, UKIP HO and bufo. I would like you to have a copy of the email.

    There’s a good boy. Walkies.

  20. Andrew MCKILLOP says:

    Walk, ride or swim to your bookstore to find “The Doomsday Machine” A McKillop & M Cohen, published by Palgrave Macmillan US

  21. skook says:

    Your art makes me smile.

  22. William Kay says:

    There is a new e-book on Amazon.com titled: From Malthus to Mifepristone – A Primer on the Population Control Movement by William Kay

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