Nursery chimes

Nursery times 2   2

About fenbeagleblog

Just a small bog dog scent hound
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11 Responses to Nursery chimes

  1. cartoonsbyjosh says:

    The Green Blob as a big fat slug – love it! Brilliant as ever, Fen 😉

  2. Reblogged this on windfarmaction and commented:
    Many a true thing said in jest!

  3. JoNova says:

    Fenbeagle, Great cartoon…. can I have permission to reuse the B-lobby slug part of the image? With links and attribution etc etc? Hope to send some traffic… love the cartoon

  4. Billy Liar says:

    Brilliant! 🙂

  5. Bernard from Bucks says:

    Here we go gathering seats in May,
    Seats in May, seats in May.
    Here we go gathering seats in May,
    On a cold and frosty morning.

    Who will you have for your seats in May,
    Seats in May, seats in May……

    We’ll have Bone for a seat maybe? (Peter Bone)
    A seat maybe? A seat maybe?……

    We’ll have Baron for a seat maybe? (John Baron)

    We’ll have Davies for a seat maybe? (Philip Davies)

    We’ll have Pritchard for a seat maybe? (Mark Pritchard)

    We’ll have Hollobone for a seat maybe? (Philip Hollobone)

    We’ll have Holloway for a seat maybe? (Adam Holloway)

    etc. etc.

  6. JoNova says:

    Fenbeagle, I finally got blogging about The Blobby. Thoughts welcome. The cartoon inspired the questions.

  7. Annie says:

    Great cartoons and rhymes Fenbeagle and good to find you. Thanks to Jo Nova for the link.

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